

Den2Obj is developed for Linux operating systems. In order to compile Den2Obj on your system, you need to ensure the following libraries are available to you:

  • Eigen3 (matrix algebra)

  • Boost (common routines)

  • TCLAP (command line instruction library)

  • BZIP2 (bzip2 data compression)

  • GZIP (gzip data compression)

  • LZMA (lzma data compression)

  • CPPUnit (unit testing)

  • OpenSSL (unit testing; MD5 checksums)


  • The instructions covered in this guide assume you are running a Debian-based Linux distro such as Debian, Ubuntu, or Kali.

  • If you are running Windows and would like to use Den2Obj, one option is to use Debian for Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The compilation instructions below can be readily used.

To ensure that all the packages are installed, one can run the following:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake libtclap-dev libboost-all-dev \
pkg-config libcppunit-dev libeigen3-dev liblzma-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev \

Standard compilation

Compilation of Den2Obj is fairly straightforward and a typical procedure looks as follows:

git clone
cd den2obj
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../src
make -j9

To install Den2Obj, you can in addition run:

sudo make install

which will place a copy of the den2obj executable in /usr/local/bin/den2obj.

Compilation with OpenVDB module

Using the OpenVDB library, it is possible to convert a density object to an OpenVDB file which can be used to render the density clouds in Blender. Compilation of Den2Obj using this module requires supplying an additional argument to CMake.


The OpenVDB package in the latest Ubuntu LTS (22.04 LTS) is incompatible with the Thread Building Blocks (tbb) library. As a workaround, one is required to compile a newer OpenVDB. OpenVDB v8.2 has been tried and tested by us. If you are compiling for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, please read the additional instructions to compile OpenVDB.

Ensure that the following libraries are installed by running:

    sudo apt install build-essential cmake libtclap-dev libboost-all-dev \
    libopenvdb-dev libtbb-dev pkg-config libcppunit-dev libeigen3-dev \
liblzma-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev

Compilation Den2Obj with the OpenVDB module is as follows:

git clone
cd den2obj
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DMOD_OPENVDB=1 ../src
make -j9


To test Den2Obj, one can run the following after compilation:

make test

A succesfull test should produce an output similar to the one found below:

Running tests...
Test project /mnt/c/PROGRAMMING/CPP/den2obj/build
    Start 1: DatasetSetup
1/6 Test #1: DatasetSetup .....................   Passed    2.49 sec
    Start 3: TestIsosurface
2/6 Test #3: TestIsosurface ...................   Passed    1.07 sec
    Start 4: TestScalarField
3/6 Test #4: TestScalarField ..................   Passed    0.39 sec
    Start 5: TestD2OFileFormat
4/6 Test #5: TestD2OFileFormat ................   Passed    0.02 sec
    Start 6: TestGenerator
5/6 Test #6: TestGenerator ....................   Passed    8.34 sec
    Start 2: DatasetCleanup
6/6 Test #2: DatasetCleanup ...................   Passed    0.00 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 6

Total Test time (real) =  12.45 sec

If the test is for some reason failing, one can run the following to produce more output:



If the tests are continously failing for you, you are warmly invited to open an issue on the Github page.